Amsterdam Super Saver: Inngangsbillett til Van Gogh-museet og et timelangt kanalcruise
Van Gogh-museet har verdens største samling av Vincent van Gogh-verker. Det er et av de viktigste museene i Nederland, med flere millioner besøkende hvert år. Det finnes ingen bedre måte å avslutte en morsom dagstur til Van Gogh-museet på, enn med et spennende båtcruise. Bestill kombinasjonsbilletten din nå og få fantastisk rabatt på begge aktivitetene.
Van Gogh-museet har verdens største samling av malerier, tegninger, skisser og brev av den nederlandske maleren Vincent van Gogh. Med nesten to millioner besøkende i året er museet det nest mest besøkte museet i Nederland og definitivt noe man må få med seg. Van Gogh-museet har over 200 malerier, 400 tegninger og 700 brev av kunstneren. Noen av de mest berømte verkene i samlingen er «Potetspiserne» (1885), «Hodeskalle med brennende sigarett» (1886), «Solsikker» (1889) og «Mandeltre i blomst» (1890).
Amsterdams vakre sentrum står oppført på UNESCOs verdensarvliste. Det finnes ingen bedre måte å utforske det på, enn med et kanalcruise. Dette morsomme, timelange kanalcruiset i Amsterdam tar deg gjennom byens viktigste kanaler, forbi storslåtte kirker fra 1600-tallet, herskapshus, båthus og broer. Du får sett alle de beste severdighetene, deriblant Westerkerk-kirken, De Negen Straatjes-området og Magere Brug-broen over elven Amstel. Kanalcruiset i Amsterdam har en GPS-guide med informasjon på mange forskjellige språk, og båtene er utstyrt med panoramavinduer for å sørge for fantastisk utsikt over byen.
- Tidsbestemt billett med prioritert adgang til Van Gogh-museet
- Timelangt kanalcruise i Amsterdam med prioritert adgang og GPS-lydguide på 19 forskjellige språk
- Driks (valgfritt)
- Bekreftelse fås ved bestilling.
- Merk: Denne billetten er gyldig for et kanalcruise og engangsadgang til Van Gogh-museet. Det bestilte tidsrommet er din adgangstid til Van Gogh-museet. Du kan ta kanalcruiset når som helst du måtte ønske det. Så snart du er i Amsterdam må du må løse inn kvitteringen din på Lindbergh-kontoret for å få en tidsbestemt inngangsbillett til Van Gogh-museet i ønsket tidsrom
- Det ikke mulig å gjøre endringer etter at salget er gjennomført. Alle salg er endelige, og avbestillingsgebyret er på 100 %
- Under Amsterdam Light Festival, som går fra 29. november 2018 til 20. januar 2019, går det timelange kanalcruiset fra kl. 10.00 til 16.00 (siste avreise)

It was great having the tickets to get into the Gallery-saved time. The Cruise is at the Central Station area so is about 20 minutes away by tram #2.
The Van Gogh Museum and independent tour via headset was powerful and informative! Try to book the earliest time to enter the museum to avoid summer crowds. The museum is beautiful and the exhibits are wonderful.
We started with the van gogh museum at 9am when it opened. Small line to get in, got head phones and started the tour. It was great!! We learned so much about the man and his family and friends, unbelievable insight into Van Goghs life. Afterwords called the cruise company for a place to get on-board, went over one canal by the museum and found the boat easily another great tour/well run
The Museum was quite good. Lots of history as well as art. We felt like we really knew some of what was going on in Van Gogh's head when he made his paintings.
Vincent Gallery was excellent. I learned alot and it was well worth using the audio guide which helped you compare the pictures and to get behind what he was trying to achieve. 2 hours was just enough time. We went with our 13 year old who also enjoyed the experience. We did, however, have problems with the tickets. They were not happy to accept our print out ticket which had 3 adults on it (and a barcode), The instructions did state that we should go straight to the entrance and not the ticket office, The staff were very good though and in the end let us in any way. Cannal cruise was wonderful. We did this on a different day. What was not clear from the information given was which cruise company it was with and were you get on the cruise. We had an additional trip on the second day were we had to redeem the vouchers for tickets. I asked there and was given tickets for the cruise which started that the starting point was near the central train station. This is easy to get to but is about 15 min away by tram (number 2) from the Van Gogh Museum. Once at the Station Tram stop the Lovers site is obvious as there is a large illuminated sign. There was a queue when we arrived but all the staff were very helpful and informed we that a boat left every 10 -15 min so in fact we were on the next boat with only around 10 min in the queue. There is a toilet on board but no drinks. Our captain spoke fluent English and pointed out additional sites to the commentry. you are supplied with earphoned for the commentry which you may keep at the end. We obviously enjoyed it so much that we went on the cruise a second time on another day. At present they are open 0900 to 2200, no time booking needed. There no longer seems to be any restrictions on when you use the voucher - Day, night, sunset. As we had tickets as part of 2 packages we just used them at different times of day.
Early morning tickets to Van Gogh and excellent tour. Buy the audio for $5 E, in order to learn so much and to drown out the noise. Busy and noisy in afternoon. Had breakfast at cafe at bottom level; continued tour. Spent 3 hours at museum; walked over to Hop on Hop Off station to select the time and location for our river cruise. Got tickets printed for cruise and had time to grab lunch before cruise.Great audio tour on boat ; excellent price package. Cruise helped us narrow down what we wanted to see. Flower market crowded and easy mark for pick pockets. Our travel agent ways recommends Viator and to stay away from other online sites. Used them in 4 countries and always pleased.
so worth the price.. the Van Gogh is amazing, easy to get to and if your in Amsterdam a Canal Cruise is a MUST !!! why not get two for one....
What a great experience to share the journey of one of the greatest painters of all time. The collection is just breathtaking!