Dagstur til Giant’s Causeway fra Belfast
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Legg Belfast sentrum bak deg om morgenen og dra til første stopp, som er Carrickfergus Castle – en normannisk borg som sies å være en av de best bevarte i Nord-Irland . Stopp for å ta bilder her, og hør guiden fortelle om hvordan det ble bygd på 1100-tallet for å beskytte innseilingen til Belfast Lough.
Reis nordøstover langs kysten av Antrim i en luksusbuss. Til den berømte og nervepirrende taubroen som forbinder fastlandet til Carrick-a-Rede. Føler du deg modig? Spaser over broen (for egen regning) og prøv å ikke bli svimmel mens du ser ned på havet 30 meter under deg! Hvis du foretrekker å holde beina godt plantet på jorden, vil guiden peke ut en oppkvikkende spasertur langs den storslagne odden.
Vi spiser lunsj i en lokal pub med hjemmelaget tradisjonsmat i den vakre landsbyen Ballintoy.
Stig på bussen igjen og kjør videre til Old Bushmills Distillery, der den berømte irske Bushmills-whiskeyen produseres. Bla gjennom det fristende vareutvalget i gavebutikken og dra deretter videre til den spektakulære steinformasjonen Giant's Causeway!
Giant's Causeway var det første stedet i Nord-Irland som ble oppført på UNESCOs verdensarvliste, og kommer garantert til å imponere! Det fascinerende naturunderverket består av sekskantede steinsøyler som av en eller annen grunn passer sammen som et umulig puslespill. Klatre opp på de urgamle steinsøylene og lytt til den profesjonelle guidens gjenfortelling av mytene omkring deres opprinnelse. En populær myte går ut på at steinene ble laget som gigantiske vadesteiner for den irske sagnfiguren Finn Mac Cool, slik at han kunne gå tvers over havet til Skottland.
Etter du har sett Giant's Causeway, stiger du på bussen og reiser sørover, med stopp for å studere ruinene av den en gang så viktige middelalderborgen Dunluce Castle. Etter en kort spasertur rundt ruinene går turen tilbake til Belfast sentrum, der turen avsluttes.
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Reis nordøstover langs kysten av Antrim i en luksusbuss. Til den berømte og nervepirrende taubroen som forbinder fastlandet til Carrick-a-Rede. Føler du deg modig? Spaser over broen (for egen regning) og prøv å ikke bli svimmel mens du ser ned på havet 30 meter under deg! Hvis du foretrekker å holde beina godt plantet på jorden, vil guiden peke ut en oppkvikkende spasertur langs den storslagne odden.
Vi spiser lunsj i en lokal pub med hjemmelaget tradisjonsmat i den vakre landsbyen Ballintoy.
Stig på bussen igjen og kjør videre til Old Bushmills Distillery, der den berømte irske Bushmills-whiskeyen produseres. Bla gjennom det fristende vareutvalget i gavebutikken og dra deretter videre til den spektakulære steinformasjonen Giant's Causeway!
Giant's Causeway var det første stedet i Nord-Irland som ble oppført på UNESCOs verdensarvliste, og kommer garantert til å imponere! Det fascinerende naturunderverket består av sekskantede steinsøyler som av en eller annen grunn passer sammen som et umulig puslespill. Klatre opp på de urgamle steinsøylene og lytt til den profesjonelle guidens gjenfortelling av mytene omkring deres opprinnelse. En populær myte går ut på at steinene ble laget som gigantiske vadesteiner for den irske sagnfiguren Finn Mac Cool, slik at han kunne gå tvers over havet til Skottland.
Etter du har sett Giant's Causeway, stiger du på bussen og reiser sørover, med stopp for å studere ruinene av den en gang så viktige middelalderborgen Dunluce Castle. Etter en kort spasertur rundt ruinene går turen tilbake til Belfast sentrum, der turen avsluttes.
- Hotellvalg (kun utvalgte hoteller i sentrum)
- Kjøretøy med klimaanlegg
- Lokal guide
Ikke inkludert
- Hotel drop-off
- Inngangsavgift (Carrick-a-Rede Ropebridge & Giants Causeway besøkssenter)
- Bekreftelse mottas ved bestillingstidspunktet
- Det er gratis å besøke steinene ved Giant's Causeway og å besøke Carrick-a-Rede Ropebridge, men en National Trust-avgift gjelder for alle som ønsker å krysse Ropebridge, eller å gå inn på besøkssenteret ved Giant's Causeway.
- Vi tilbyr en eksklusiv
- for Carrick-a-Rede Ropebridge kryssing og Giants Causeway besøkssenter inngang som kan kjøpes på dagen for turen din på treneren, for £ 15.00pp (en besparelse på £ 6 per person). Dette er et ikke-forpliktende tilbud.
- Ingen rullestoltilgang
- Tilrettelagt for barnevogn
- Tjenestedyr er tillatt
- Spedbarn må holdes på fanget
- De fleste reisende kan delta
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Had a brilliant day, the scenery is just amazing. This tour is really worth doing, organised very well.Our driver Patrick was very informative and funny. He really looked after us. Thank you .
Great day out from start to finish. Patrick the driver and guide fantastic throughout very knowledgeable great jokes thanks for a great trip
Troy was fantastic from the start. Funny, personable and charming. Troy narrated all along the way with fun facts about the "Game of Thrones" locations along our ride and country history as well. He tried to reach out to all the guests on his bus and be as personal as possible. It was very enjoyable. We bought tickets from Troy on the bus for the Giant's Causeway gift shop and the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge. The rope bridge was great fun. It was a beautiful coastal view. Loved the Giant's Causeway feature. So unique and fun. Honestly the visitors center wasn't that interesting, but the tickets were sold as a packaged deal. I would do it again just for the bridge experience. Lunch was handled very well to speed up the process we ordered on the bus and Troy places our orders and it was all ready when we got to the restaurant. The food was good. A fun feature at the restaurant was a little "Game of Thrones" set up in an adjacent room where you could put on an actual costume from the show and sit on a throne and get your picture taken.
Fantastic Coastal tour to the Giant's Causeway! Ray was a brilliant tour guide! Great value for money. Would highly recommend!
The coach driver was amazing and he knows everything about northern ireland and the cities aswell. The giants causeway is amazing too!
Would have liked more time in the Causeway Information Centre only had about 10mins if that which we paid extra for instead of the brewery. Phil the driver very nice and entertaining!
The tour was great from beginning to end! Patrick was a super guide and driver for the coach. Initially he took time to explain the day's activities. Then, as well visited each site, he thoroughly reviewed the history and setting of each. Our family of four highly recommend this tour if you are in Belfast!
Lovely trip but time to take it all in was very limited Driver/Guide was amazing.very informative and charming. Place for lunch very good food very nice and reasonably priced.
Great excursion--takes one not only to the Giant's Causeway, but along the entire northeastern coast of Ireland north of Belfast, seeing a lot of beautiful scenery along the way. The guide, Phil, was excellent. Even though, due to the beauty of the route, this is apparently one of the most heavily touristed ones in the Ireland--one won't necessarily realize this while riding in the bus itself, only when the bus parks at the various different stops along the way, which are crowded with other tour buses and tourists--still, the trip is well worth it, just for the sheer beauty of the landscape and the places one gets to visit. A word about these places that one gets to visit. Due for the most part to the geography of Northern Ireland, one ends up reaching the Giant's Causeway LAST of all the various stops along the way, since the scenic/coastal route takes one first to Carrickfergus Castle, the various Antrim Glens, and then the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge (and of course a stop for lunch is necessary along the way). This means that one reaches the Giant's Causeway only AFTER having first visited all of the sites above, plus the Bushmills Distillery (which for some reason this particular excursion visits before the Causeway). For young and energetic travelers in extremely good shape with no orthopedic issues, this is, I'm sure, not a problem whatsoever, but somewhat older travelers and/or those who are out of shape and/or have knee, foot, or ankle problems, or just feet that start to hurt after not much walking (like mine!) should be aware that if the Giant's Causeway is what you're most interested in seeing, you may want/need to attempt to save your energy and not carry out all activities along the way to the fullest, lest your feet already be aching by the time you get to the Giant's Causeway! The Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge doesn't LOOk that exhausting or challenging from the parking lot, but it really is, especially if one does too much of it for one's activity level--it's worth knowing that the first third of the 1 1/2 mile walk to the bridge is relatively easy ( and beautiful), but the 2nd third is significantly more difficult due to hills and lengthy sets of uneven steps, and the final third is the most challenging. So bear this in mind if you're also thinking of doing the walk to the Giant's Causeway, also about 1 1/2 mile from the parking lot, rather than taking the shuttle bus...
Tour was everything we expected and more. Our driver And tour guide had us on schedule and allowed us to get to two additional stops. He was also very entertaining. Highly
Well I was quite pleased with the trip, loved the driver cum tour guide Ray. He was quite informative and kept one interested in what was around. The coach was good and the durations and stops were well timed. We also got to pre order food, so that we could have the food ready at the restaurant as soon as we got there. A day I thoroughly enjoyed.
We had the best day ever. Patrick was an awesome tour guide and he kept the whole trip so informative. The rope at Carrick-a-Rede was a little scary but we were brave and faced it and the Giant's Causeway was just something out of this world. It was so beautiful. This trip is a definite must do.
Stuart was an excellent driver and guide. The stops at the 2 castles and Old Bushmills Distilleries were probably not necessary other than for toilet stops. Giants Causeway was amazing.
Make sure you know who your actual tour company is. It's not viator..they are just a reservation agent. Instructions said to go to a certain corner. Would be nice if there was a sign there so you knew you were in the right place. We got a bit nervous when the designated time arrived and our bus had not arrived...because they also pickup at some hotels and can run behind schedule. The area where all the tours in Belfast meet by europa hotel is a congested mess. 2 mc comb buses arrived..one driver wanted us to switch to his tour rather than in we booked...don't know why..was confusing..we stuck with our booked tour. Slightly late start..left town then returned to puck up a single person who must have missed the bus. Transmission was messed up on bus and had some temp control issues in bus..extremely cold or hot. Driver was informative and did a good job..but during part of the countryside ride it would have been nice to just hear some Irish tunes and relax.
Our guide Patrick was wonderful. And although it was a long day we were never board and enjoyrd it immensely