Tur fra Cairns i varmluftsballong
4 h
Om denne aktiviteten
Du vil aldri glemme den vakre utsikten, den romantiske stemningen og stillheten du opplever mens du svever i en varmluftballong over det tropiske nordlige Queensland og ser solen stå opp. Ballongføreren vil peke ut steder i landskapet mens du svever avsted sammen med et dusin andre ballonger over Atherton-høyslettene. Tilbake på bakken kan du hjelpe mannskapet med å slippe ut luften av ballongen og pakke den sammen – et morsomt teamarbeid!
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- Tips
- Hotell henting fra Yorkeys, Holloways, Kewarra
- Bekreftelsen mottas på bestillingstidspunktet, med mindre bestillingen gjøres innen 4 dager før reisen. I dette tilfellet sendes bekreftelsen innen 48 timer, avhengig av ledig kapasitet
- Minimumsnummer gjelder. Det er mulighet for avbestilling etter bekreftelse dersom det ikke er nok passasjerer til å møte kravene. I tilfelle dette skjer, vil du bli tilbudt et alternativ eller full refusjon
- Alle passasjerer må kunne komme inn i ballongkurven uten hjelp til piloten, eller de vil ikke være i stand til å fly
- Barn i alderen 4 år og under er ikke tillatt å fly
- Mobiltelefonkontakt kreves ved bestilling
- Gravide kvinner kan ikke reise
- Vennligst oppgi mobilnummer eller e-postadresse ved bestilling
- Hvis du velger 60 minutters flytur, blir dette tatt som 2 separate ballongfly på 30 minutter, en direkte etter den andre reiser videre for å se mer av Mareeba og Atherton Tablelands
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This tour was amazing!
I'm completely freaked out by heights. But seeing the kangaroos bouncing from up in the balloon and the sunrise was pretty amazing .
Amazing experience. Really fun crew
Absolutely awesome! I've always wanted to go in a hot air ballon, and this flight was everything I'd hoped for. The sensation of floating over the beautiful landscape in silence was fantastic, it has to be experienced to appreciate it! When I was dragging myself out of bed at 3.30am I wondered why the hell I'd booked this, but it is 100 worth it - all the ground crew were so friendly and helpful, and our pilot Bob was fantastic. If you are in Cairns, I'd thoroughly recommend this, you won't regret it.
This flight was everything that it was advertised to be. The flying area is beautiful and so was sunrise that morning. We took the one hour flight and it is worth it!!! Even though you may not fly far, the flight changes as you go along. It was in the second half hour that we saw all the kangaroos on the ground. Our pilot was excellent!!! This is just plain fun!!!
Good crews, punctual during pick up. The ride itself was smooth, I didn't feel any fear for my first ever hot air balloon ride. The balloon basket where the people stand was too small for the number of people that is put in. They put 4 people in each section, and it's really tight with not much space to move. I found it hard to enjoy the scenery too, simply because there's not many interesting things if any to see. Sure it was great to see the sky at dawn, there were some foggy areas as well, but apart from those, it's just forests, farms, and flock of birds. Also 30 minutes is really quite short. Maybe if you go for another ride you might end up seeing something more interesting, maybe or maybe not. Magical, uh not really, at least not for me unfortunately.