Sykkeltur til Angkor-templene fra Siem Reap
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Sykkeltur til Angkor-templene fra Siem Reap
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Sykkeltur til Angkor-templene fra Siem Reap

1 day
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Begynn heldagsturen med oppmøte ved sykkelbutikken i Siem Reap, hvor du møter resten av gruppen og blir utstyrt med en solid terrengsykkel og hjelm. Deretter følger du en erfaren guide på en smal vei langs elven til du når den arkeologiske parken Angkor. Ved porten kan du kjøpe et Angkor-Pass for adgang til stedet som er oppført på Unescos verdensarvliste.
Det første stoppet er det utrolige Angkor Wat, som er et monumentalt tempel blant utallige ruiner. Det ble bygget under det tidligere Khmerriket i løpet av 9. til 15. århundre. Her kan du beundre bygningene som speiler seg i bassengene, og galleriene som har elementer fra hinduistisk Ramayana.
Når du har stoppet for forfriskninger, sykler du langs hovedruten til Angkor Thom. Du sykler forbi 54 skulpturer av guder og demoner, og bruker deretter resten av dagen på sjarmerende, stille veier med flere majestetiske strukturer bak murene i den gamle byen. Ta deg tid til å besøke Bayontempelet, som er berømt for sine drøyt 200 steinansikter, og utforsk elefantterrassen mens lunsjen gjøres i stand.
Etter at du har inntatt velsmakende Khmer-retter, går turen med til Ta Prohm, ofte kalt jungeltempelet, hvor trerøttene forsøker å vinne over ruinene. Kjenn på den utenomjordiske stemningen mens du benytter deg av en rekke fotomuligheter.
Ta sykkelen fatt og reis fra Angkor-komplekset, langs en rød grusvei og flere små stier tilbake til Siem Reap. Tråkk deg gjennom lokale landsbyer på landsbygden til du kommer tilbake til startpunktet sent på ettermiddagen.
Obs: Denne sykkelturen dekker en avstand på 25–30 km. Turen skjer for det meste på flate stier og små veier uten åser, med noen små grusveier som ikke egner seg for nybegynnere på sykkel.
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  • Profesjonell guide
  • Bruk av sykkel og sikkerhetsutstyr
  • Lunsj
  • Vann på flaske
  • Snacks
Ikke inkludert
  • Hotel pickup og drop-off
  • Inngangsgebyr til Angkor tempelkompleks (USD $ 37 for enkeltdagsinngang)
  • Tips
  • Bekreftelse mottas ved bestillingstidspunktet
  • Sykkeltur er omtrent 15-18 miles (25-30 km) av de fleste flate veier
  • Det anbefales å ta med solkrem, solbriller, komfortable klær og sko til sykling
  • Ermeløs skjorte og gjennomsiktige skjorter er ikke tillatt, og bukser og shorts må være minst lengde på knel for å få lov til å komme inn i templene
  • Vennligst informer om eventuelle spesielle kostbehov ved bestilling
Adrian H
5 | 2019-03-11

Excellent way to get an introduction to Angkor. Our guide was called Wich and he was knowledgeable and very helpful. Very warm day so hard work by the end but would definitely recommend this. FYI we are in our 50s.

5 | 2019-01-09

Easy cycling but a lot more fun to go on some back roads to the temples at Angkor than by motor transportation. The tour leaders and guides were friendly and made sure everyone was safe while cycling. It was a great way to spend a day in Angkor Wat.

Esther J
5 | 2018-08-22

Beautiful place!

Frances Cleo D
5 | 2018-04-04

It was fun and I enjoyed it immensely - my favorite of my Siem Reap experience. I loved the trails we went through and the pacing was okay. Just make sure your body's up to the biking : I highly recommend it to the adventurous. Cheers!

Maria H
5 | 2018-03-30

This tour was great for us, a family of four with two boys 11 and 13. Pretty hot but enjoyable and such a great way to see the area around Angkor Wat. We rode through peoples’ farm yards and saw areas that we would not have seen without the bicycles. Thank you to our guide ”We” for taking care of us

5 | 2018-02-25

EXCELLENT TRIP! Highly recommended. From the time we reached the office, the entire process was very well managed we got water, the bikes were labelled with our names and set to our height. We then rode to get our tickets, which was a smooth 1min process at the counter. From then the ride actually started. The initial section was a regular tar road, but then we moved in to the forested area. So be aware that you will be biking through sand/bumpy roads too. There was a guide at the front and back, both VERY VERY helpful and appreciate all that they did for us on the trip. Wonderful way to be up and close to nature and see the temples. We had ample time to see them too with inputs on history from our guide it was not rushed. Lunch was AMAZING! Even when the tour ended back at the office, we were given coconut water, which was a total surprise and a wonderful treat. Amazing hospitality. Just a note on the weather and road: It will be hot so do come prepared with proper cycling attire hat, sunscreen, and proper shoes. You MAY be tired/knees may hurt due to the sand/bumpy ride in between. But it should be all ok after rest. No worries. Good luck to Grasshopper tours on the amazing work they are doing!

Theodorus G
5 | 2018-01-02

Great tour. A very nice and full day program to see a number of the greatest temples. Lunch and fruit stops are includes and the food and fruit are absolutely fabulous. The guide was great and had heaps of knowledge. The second guide was always around to keep people safe. This is a very professional and well thought out and very well executed tour. These company and these people deserve some serious stars for what they offer. Absolute firm recommendation.

Sherelle L
5 | 2017-12-18

This tour allows you to see part of Siem Reap you won't see by car. Cycling off road through wooded areas and finding temples along the way. The views are break taking and the temples u see are amazing. Our guide was very informative and friendly. Stopped for lunch midday and was given water.

Sarah R
5 | 2017-12-11

This tour was according to what was on the description plus during the time of our bike on to the road area, I felt safe with our tour guide, his pace was similar to the local bike riders which was good when you are biking in public. The route was excellent, it was on the country side most often and I feel that we got to see the Angkor Wat more than as a tourist. The bikes were fully maintained, I felt that the mountain bikes shocks are according to the road's condition. If it was compared to the bike tour in U.S.A. it was safe and he used the correct hand signals and oriented us with the hand signals and pace was for safety and not for speed of pure leisure. We had fruit snack right on time just before I felt I was bonking Lunch was very tasty Water cold was provided through out our ride Temple Tour inside met the expectation A refreshing cold fresh coconut drink and cold towel was provided when we got back at the office. All else, this tour provided more fun to me and felt safe.

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