Inngangsbillett til Churchill War Rooms
Oppdag mannen bak myten på The Churchill Museum, det eneste store museet i verden dedikert til livet og arven etter Sir Winston Churchill. Nyskapende teknologi og en blanding av medier brukes til å levendegjøre den unektelig spennende historien om denne historiske figuren. Besøkende kan fordype seg i mannens komplekse livsløp og lange politiske karriere og studere hans privatliv, suksesser og fiaskoer.
The Cabinet War Rooms: Churchills krigsbunker er et fascinerende stykke levende historie; en underjordisk labyrint av rom som en gang var et nervesenter av planlegging, plotting, strategi og hemmelighold. Mens du utforsker de historiske rommene på egen hånd, kan du lett forestille deg hvordan livet kan ha vært i de anspente dagene og nettene under andre verdenskrig.
The Churchill Museum: Oppdag mannen bak masken på The Churchill Museum, det eneste store museet i verden dedikert til livet og arven etter Sir Winston Churchill. Ved hjelp av det siste innen teknologi og multimedia bringes Churchills historie til live, og det hele begynner med høydepunktet i hans karriere – utnevnelsen til statsminister den 10. mai 1940.
Hør utdrag av Churchills oppildnende taler fra krigstiden mens du står på kvadratene som aktiverer Churchills stemme og de nå velkjente frasene «blood, toil, tears and sweat» og «We shall fight them on the beaches». I nærheten ligger den opprinnelige No. 10-døren som Churchill gikk gjennom etter å ha blitt statsminister.
- Adgangsbillett
- Transport til/fra severdigheter
- Bekreftelse fås ved bestilling.
- Barn må ledsages av en voksen
- Lydguider er tilgjengelige (på 8 språk – engelsk, fransk, tysk, italiensk, spansk, hebraisk, portugisisk, mandarin)
- Merk: du må legge frem en utskrift av billetten din

We very much enjoyed our time at the war rooms. The audio tour is very good. Most of the rooms were displayed as left after WWII. Well worth time and money.
At first was anxious as had not bought a "timed" ticket. However, even on a very warm last Saturday of summer with london packed with tourists, it would not have been necessary. Very small queue. Fascinating experience and well worth visiting. Comprehensive and well laid out museum with helpful audio guide. Truly superb.
This is our third time here. Great venue for adults and young adults. We pre purchased our tix from Viator and moved quickly to the entry.
I’ve been to the War Rooms three times, and it’s always fascinating to come back. Always more to learn. This time, however, was my first visit to the Churchhill Museum that is built towards the back of the war rooms. A lot of great information and wonderful displays. However there is no indication of the logical way to move through this portion of the attraction. It would help if there were some kind of guide to take you through. As it was, we walked walked directly from his early military career to a video of his funeral. It wasn’t clear how to move progressively and chronologically through his life.
The attraction itself was excellent, but the ticket needs to be emailed to the ticket office of the museum beforehand or else printed ahead of time. Held us up at the ticketing line for about fifteen minutes while they got that straightened out, but overall a great attraction
We were told to expect to spend 1-1/2 to 2 hours viewing the exhibits. My husband and I could have spent the entire day listening to the audio sessions in the museum and viewing all the war rooms to get a better understanding and appreciation as to the difficulties Churchill and his colleagues went through. We only left because we needed to catch a free walking tour that we had signed up to attend. Absolutely worth the time and money whether you are a history buff or not.
Well organized very interesting and nice to go around. Still gives space to each visitor to concentrate at its own pace and interest
It was an amazing experience , especially for a WWII buff. the entrance was easy and fast and the tour is well organized .
This glimpse of the WWII Command Center of Winston Churchill was very interesting. To see where so many people lived and served was incredible. The exhibit on Churchill was very well done and gave a lot of information on the man.
The historical information was good, but they allow to many people in at a time and it is hard to follow the audio tour because there are so many people crammed into the small space.
I have spent 5hours in this musuem.more than the suggested 1.5hour .Like the musuem ,the life timeline of this great man,winston churchill .And i am disappointed as i couldnt get a ticket from official website,and then when i found out Viator have the ticket available ,i am excited even though it is around 2pound more expensive.but overall is worth it!!!
Was interesting and informative. Would recommend visiting when in London. Lines were not too long.and would go back. Lots of information.
Great for any Churchill fan or war buff. thorough and emotional. Lots of historical items and recordings. The tour recordings helpful too Really did skip the line too.
This tour was very interesting and informative. The headsets were great and we could go at our own pace.
This was a very interesting place to visit, lots to see and we were very impressed. We had pre purchased tickets and happily were ushered to the head of the line, first in, so we'll worth going online to buy the tickets.
Couldn’t get on official site so used this one , very good Got there early no queue Good audio, Worth a visit
This is a must see when you come to London. So much history about Churchill and how he lead during the war. The rooms transport you back to the time when they were used.
Great range of information on Churchill the War rooms and the war itself. You could easily spend all day here and get a small taste of what it was like to work here.
WE only had 4 days in London and by far the best choice we made was to buy tickets (IN ADVANCE) for a Churchill War Room tour. Great use of time.
If you love history, this is the place. Glad a colleague told me about it. Off to the Imperial Museum next.
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!! If you are at all interested in WWII, this is a must see. I would allow for a minimum of 2 hours maybe even 3 hours if you plan to visit each room and do some reading. Tons and tons of information and wall laid out.
I am a History buff. Great tour, plenty too see. Learned a lot.