Inngangsbillett til Madrid Prado-museet
Prado (Museo Nacional del Prado) har samlinger av malerier, tegninger og skulpturer som gjenspeiler historien til Spania. I det 19. århundre spilte landet en ubetydelig rolle på den internasjonale kunstscenen og appellerte lite til utenlandske kunstnere. På denne tiden tok spanske kunstnere utdanning og jobber i utlandet, den første halvdelen av århundret i Roma, og senere i Paris, den nye kunsthovedstaden. Museets samlinger har verker fra tiden frem til Picasso ble født i 1881. De reflekterer den nasjonalistiske karakteren som preget århundret, og som spanske kunstnere hyllet i malerier av landets mennesker, landskap og historie. Samlingene har også verker som den spanske regjeringen konfiskerte fra kirken, og som gjorde den kongelige samlingen betydelig rikere når de kom til Prado fra Museo de la Trinidad.
Samlingene består primært av malerier, men de inneholder også fantastiske eksempler på skulptur, dekorativ kunst og verker på papir fra antikken og frem til det 19. århundre.
Du kan veksle inn adgangskvitteringen din når som helst i museets åpningstider.
- Priser
- Mobilbillett
- Mat og drikke
- Driks (valgfritt)
- Henting ved og bringing til hotellet
- Bekreftelse fås ved bestilling.
- Barn må ledsages av en voksen
- Museet har gratis skap- og garderobetjeneste ved alle tilgangspunktene
- Tilgjengelig for personer som bruker rullestol

We could walk right in. If your thing are medieval religious paintings then this is the place for you.
The Museo Nacional del Prado is a must-see if you are in Madrid. As an art lover, I spent close to six hours looking at all of the exhibitions. Because I bought the ticket, I was able to skip the line and enjoy myself to the fullest. If I visit Madrid again and want to visit the museum again, I will definitely buy this ticket.
As the main Spanish national art museum, a visit here is a must do on any trip to Madrid. Beautifully laid out, and easy to navigate, you can't help but revel in the works of Raphael, Rubens, Rembrandt, De Goya, Bosch, and the list goes on. This is for art lovers and anyone who just enjoys beauty.
Easy purchase process and no line ups....plan a half day to fully appreciate the collection. The gallery is and the number of works is huge so it's well worth researching what you want to see in advance.
The Prado Museum had El Greco, Goya, Velasquez, and even special displays of Rembrandt and Fra Angelico and the rise of the Florentine Renaissance. It had a beautiful display of varied art.
Unless you LOVE art history this is your museum! It was interesting to walk around and see famous artists arts.. but in my opinion it was very boring ... too big.. too much ... Having the tickets in advance was great! we skip the line , and it was a long line!
As I approached the Prado Museum, the long line snaking around the entrance caused me to mentally jump for joy that I had pre-purchased the no-line entry voucher. The museum is fabulous and covers many time periods, so budget your time to ensure that you are able to enjoy your priority galleries and artists.
It did not really save me time as I waited in the wrong line even after asking the staff where I should present my ticket the entrance is the to far left, there are 2 lines. I was there in the busy season and the line was not crazy long. I suppose it was good to have but I am sure I paid more as opposed to just buying tickets straight from the museum. The museum is amazing though!
If you are familiar with the museum this is a great way to visit El Prado on your own, specially on a busy holiday. Skip the line and just walk thru security.
The Prado is almost without parallel as a museum. The ability of the Spanish kings to collect European art and thus preserve it for our generation is something to behold. The collection is so extensive that there must be something for every taste in painting and sculpture too, if we had the time and energy to absorb that too.
The Prado is one of the worlds great art galleries we went to see Hermonius Bosch and were not disappointed.
Very large, beautiful museum. Easy to get to via wonderful Metro system in Madrid. Don't miss this one and allow time to see as it is very expansive. We spent 3 hours and could have spent that much more time if we'd had the energy. Definitely buy skip the line ticks.