Tur til slottene i Loire-dalen fra Paris, med Chambord, Chenonceau og vinsmaking
Château de Chenonceau ble bygget over elven Cher i tradisjonell renessansestil, og er kjent som Chateau des Dames (dameslottet) på grunn av betydningen til de berømte damene som bodde der. Slottet ble bygd i 1513 av Catherine Briconnet, utsmykket av Diance de Poitiers og Catherine de Medicis og ble skånet fra riving av Madame Dupin under revolusjonen. For å gjøre dagen komplett kommer du til å oppdage vintradisjonen i Loire med vinsmaking.
Gjester som besøker slottet om vinteren (1. november til 31. mars), kan også nyte en tradisjonell lunsj med drikke. Om sommeren (1. april til 31. oktober) er ikke lunsj inkludert, men guiden gir tips om spisesteder. Fra 1. april besøker vi to slott, Chenonceau og Chambord, i tillegg til vinsmaking for å teste ganen din. På mandager og lørdager om sommeren erstattes Château de Chambord av Amboise
Merk: På mandager og lørdager besøker vi Amboise i stedet for Chambord
Velg et av tilleggsalternativene nedenfor for turen i Loire-dalen med vinsmaking:
- Profesjonell guide og avgang kl. 07.15 fra vårt sentralt beliggende byrå.
- Profesjonell guide og avgang kl. 06.30 fra et hvilken som helst hotell eller overnattingssted i Paris (postnummeret må starte med 75).
- Lydguide og avgang kl. 07.15 fra vårt sentralt beliggende byrå.
- Velg et av tilleggsalternativene nedenfor for turen i Loire-dalen med vinsmaking:
- Profesjonell guide og avgang kl. 07.15 fra vårt sentralt beliggende byrå.
- Profesjonell guide og avgang kl. 06.30 fra et hvilken som helst hotell eller overnattingssted i Paris (postnummeret må starte med 75).
- Lydguide og avgang kl. 07.15 fra vårt sentralt beliggende byrå.
- Transport tur/retur fra Paris i buss med klimaanlegg
- Prioritert adgang til to slott, Chenonceau og Chambord, samt vinsmaking
- Henting ved hotell hvis alternativet er valgt
- Lunsj er inkludert fra november til slutten av mars
- Mat og drikke, med mindre noe annet er spesifisert
- Bekreftelse fås ved bestilling.
- På mandager og lørdager om sommeren (april til oktober) besøker vi Amboise i stedet for Chambord Prioritert adgang til 2 slott, Chenonceau og Chambord, samt vinsmaking Ikke tilgjengelig for rullestolbrukere Lunsjen er bare inkludert om vinteren Velg et av tilleggsalternativene nedenfor for turen i Loire-dalen med vinsmaking:
- Profesjonell guide og avgang kl. 07.15 fra vårt sentralt beliggende byrå.
- Profesjonell guide og avgang kl. 06.30 fra et hvilken som helst hotell eller overnattingssted i Paris (postnummeret må starte med 75).
- Lydguide og avgang kl. 07.15 fra vårt sentralt beliggende byrå.

Tour was good. Lots of information, group was slow. We had fun but was too slow for our liking. Food and wine was good and the castles were gorgeous.
My husband and I enjoyed the 2 castles and wine tasting. The guide was very good and informative. The bus was a little disappointing due to stains on most of the seats and looked like it hadn't been cleaned recently. Overall though the trip was very nice.
Chanonceau Chateaux is good both from outside and inside, less crowded than Versailles. Chambord is great from outside but nothing much to see inside apart from the double helix staircase and lovely rooftop. Overall these Chateaux are good from outside in how they are built with pretty gardens surrounding them. But versailles is better from both inside to see the decorated rooms, sculptures, paintings and architecture. We took non-guided tour for these Chateaux which gave us ample of time on our own to see things around them.
We really enjoyed this tour but there wasn't a lot of time to explore. Next time, we will take the 2 day tour. The bus was very nice and I loved hearing all about the history of the monarchy on the way out to the Loire Valley. The only downside was that we had expected to be going to Chambord and we went to Amboise, a change that wasn't supposed to commence until summer. We contacted Viator and they promptly remediated. Highly recommend booking with viator!
This bus ride was very comfortable and they do a 1/2 stop on your way to use the bathrooms and get some snacks. Both chateaus are gorgeous and Francois was very nice and knowledgeable. He did this tour in English and Japanese.
Totally worth the price. It's a beautiful day out of Paris. The wine was delicious and I highly recommend doing the tour with a guide. The guide we had was Rocío and she is the best.
Our trip to the Loire Valley was excellent value. We were a small group and had a luxury mini bus which was great. Our tour guide Nicholas was an outstanding, a wonderful sense of humour and a multi linguist who accommodated everyone on the excursion in their home language without any issues. he was a superb tour guide, his knowledge of the two castles was brilliant, and while we enjoyed hearing about the 17th and 18th century history, it was a long drive and it would have been far more interesting to hear relevant details and some history of the areas we drove through. I would highly recommend this tour.
I really enjoyed this tour! My tour guide, Vincent, was absolutely excellent. He made the tour very interesting and enjoyable, including intriguing facts about the histories of the castles and the people who lived there. He really seemed to enjoy explaining these stories to us and I would 100% recommend him as a guide!
We were on a bus for six hours for this tour and during that time period there was no commentary by the guides on what we were seeing in the countryside on the long bus ride. We saw two castles that were beautiful but not worth the 6 hours on the bus. The tour guide walked very quickly through the castles without checking to see if we were able to follow her or see her in the crowds. On walk to the second castle we were almost overrun by a golf cart and she just kept walking paying no attention to her clients. There was one stop on the way to the first castle and time to purchase food at the first castle. My daughter said they could have at least given us water and not asked us to buy it from the bus driver! I paid $195 each for 5 members of my family. We were all extremely disappointed and felt cheated. The wine tasting was minimal-- in a room in the second castle.
Enjoyed the tour and the history behind the them. Could do without the wine tasting as the wines were not the best samples of what the region has to offer.
Helene and the entire staff were amazing! The bus was super comfortable and having WiFi was such an added bonus. Helene was very knowledgeable about the history of the buildings and people who lived in them. She did a terrific job in making it all come alive.
Jewels of Loire. Castles and beautiful nature. So much history. This trip highlights the most beautiful ones, and if you only have one day it is a perfect trip.
Great to get out of the city and see some historic buildings. There are some other tours that visit three chateaus/castles but this one visits two. We booked this one particularly to see Leonardo da Vinci's final resting place. The wine tasing was great - a bit of rose, white, and red and grape juice for my 2 kids along with some appetizers to cleanse the palette. English brochures were available at both Amboise and Chenonceau to read more about the history/properties. In Amboise, do follow the advice and go to lunch early to make sure you get back to the bus on time!
My only critique is that we signed up for the English tour but our guide was providing the Spanish tour at the same time. He repeated everything he said in English again in Spanish. Due to the repetition, we had no free time at any of the Chateau's, to browse them for ourselves or get to the gift shops. The tour itself was amazing! The Chateau's are magnificent and worth seeing. We went in March so there was a lunch provided at a restaurant close to one of the Chateaus, the food was delicious.