Tur til den sørlige kysten og isbreen Jökulsárlón fra Reykjavík
Mange av Islands største isbreelver renner ut i Atlanterhavet på landets sørkyst. På vei mot denne fantastiske kystlinjen passerer du sjarmerende landsbyer, som Selfoss, Vik og Kirkjubæjarklaustur, og Skaftafell nasjonalpark. Det er også lagt inn et stopp ved Skógafoss. Du kommer også til å kjøre gjennom den enorme ørkenen, Skeiðarársandur, der sandstormene kan være så kraftige at de skraper bort lakken på en bil!
Like før du ankommer lagunen, passerer du Islands største vulkan, isbreen Öræfajökull, som også har øyas høyeste punkt, Hvannadalshnúkur, på 2119 meter.
Ved lagunen får du tid til å utforske dette fantastiske stedet, eller du kan spasere ned til den såkalte diamantstranden for å se isen som minner om juveler i den svarte sanden.
Jökulsárlón-lagunen tok form tidlig på 1920-tallet og blir stadig større for hvert år. Du får se isblokker som har løsnet fra Europas største isbre, Vatnajökull, og som er sakte på vei ut mot havet, bare 1,5 km unna. Noen av isfjellene er delvis dekket av vulkansk aske fra tidligere vulkanutbrudd. De ser ut som skulpturer som naturen selv har skapt!
På vei tilbake til Reykjavík om kvelden blir det et stopp ved Seljalandsfoss, der du får den unike muligheten til å følge stien som går bak fossefallet.
- Profesjonell guide
- Transport i buss med klimaanlegg
- Henting og levering ved større hoteller, havner og egne treffpunkter
- Driks (valgfritt)
- Mat og drikke
- Båtturer på bresjøen
- Bekreftelse fås ved bestilling.
- Merk: Båtturer på bresjøen er ikke inkludert i turprisen.
- Varme og vanntette klær anbefales
- Det kan hende vi ikke kan slippe deg av rett foran hotellet etter turen. Dette avhenger av reiseruten og trafikken.
- Vi stopper underveis på turen, så du kan kjøpe mat og snacks
- Turen varer i ca. 14 timer, men med regelmessige stopp underveis

A long day, but good to see some of Icelands countryside. The best part of the day was the Glacier Lagoon with the Icebergs, well worth the boat trip around them. Likewise the black sand beach where the broken up icebergs end up as they wash out to sea.
Really enjoyed the tour. They were very punctual. Don't think we needed to go to Vik twice (stopped over twice for food) and I was disappointed we didn't get to go to Skaftafell national park. Needed more time for Seljalandsfoss as it was the highlight and wish we had more daylight for it as it was breathtaking. Also weren't allowed to eat or drink on the bus whatsoever which was frustrating so I broke the rules but it wasn't fun trying to silently eat crisps... I was far too hungry and didn't wanna eat while at the landmarks because I'm there to see them with the little time we have! Other than this, I highly recommend this tour because it was very enjoyable and the tour guide was nice :)
It was an incredible nice day. The tour was well organized, the landscape and the tour itself was beautiful and our tour guide Halle was very friendly, funny and shared a lot of information with us. Thank you Halle!
Extremely long day and time on the bus. Great sites but felt like we were cattle and on a time clock all to not miss the boat at the Glacier Lagoon. Don’t get me wrong - the sites are beautiful.
Just an amazing tour. For a 14 hour tour, it did not feel long at all. Beautiful weather with sunshine and nice view of the glaciers. Amazing water falls , and the glacier lagoon was the highlight. Nice tour guide and bus driver.
It was a very wonderful experience. The waterfalls, black sand beach and glacier lagoon are all spectacular and breathtaking. It was a long day trip but was well worth it. The drive was not boring. The labs fields, mini waterfalls, glacier and the happily grazing Icelandic horses and sheeps kept us awake and curious of what’s next to be seen and enjoyed.
Simply Excellent. It was my favorite place to visit.
This was an amazing day. We only had one day to spend in Iceland and this long day was a great way to see a lot in a little amount of time. The views outside the city were amazing from the black sand to the volcano mountains to the waterfalls. One of the highlights of the trip was definitely the glacier lagoon which was beautiful. The boat ride was great and not too cold which was nice. One thing to note was the bus driver was a little more aggressive than others we have had. This didn't bother us directly, but other tourists noticed it and some of the people he passed on the road a bicyclist in particular did comment on his driving. Aside from this, this trip was a great way to spend one day in Iceland.
Loved this trip. Wish we had started earlier or had more time to stop at one of the waterfalls earlier. Majority of the day trip was amazing!!We ended up seeing Seljalandsfoss at night which was a huge letdown because we couldn't really make it out in the dark with the measly lighting. Did my best to make it enjoyable by walking to it and behind it, but the beauty of it was dampered by it being at night and the photos were disappointing.
A very long day but well worth it. The sites are unlike anything you've seen before! Absolutely magical. Brandon and Chrissy were amazing tour guides / drivers. They went well out of their way to make it such a memorable day. We had an issue with a road closure which meant a 5 hour delay back to Reykjavic.. not only did Brandon organise for the restaurant to stay open late for us, but he re-organised half the groups buses to the airport in the morning so no body missed a flight. He was also both hilarious and knowledgable. And always happy to take a photo for you! If you only do one tour, this is the one to do.