Halvdags byvandring i oldtidens Roma
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Halvdags byvandring i oldtidens Roma

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Halvdagsturen i Roma starter ved Colosseum. Ta turen inn for å utforske første og andre etasje i det romerske amfiteateret sammen med guiden. Guiden forklarer hvordan setene ble tildelt basert på status. Keiseren og senatorer fikk de beste plassene, mens plebeierne satt nærmere toppen. Gladiatorkampene var hovedattraksjonen, og du får høre historier fra de blodige kampene der trente gladiatorer kjempet mot hverandre til publikums forlystelse.
Etter turen i Colosseum utforsker dere området rundt og får se stedene som en gang i tiden var Romas finansielle, kommersielle og politiske sentrum. Hovedattraksjonene og -ruinene ligger rundt Forum Romanum, så tre inn for å se historien som sitter igjen i de gamle steinene.
Hør fascinerende historier om makt og forræderi blant keiserne i det gamle Roma, og se ruinene av viktige bygninger som Julius Cæsars tempel. Ta bilder ved den hvite Septimius Severus-buen, og la deg forbløffe av Regia med sin kolonnade. Her bodde Romas kongelige en gang i tiden. Andre høydepunkter er trappene Scale Gemonie og Vespasiantempelet.
Legg Forum Romanum bak deg og fortsett til Romas historiske senter for å se alle attraksjonene der. Du kan kaste en mynt i den imponerende Trevifontenen for hell og lykke, og deretter ta bilde av Pantheon, en av byens best bevarte romerske monumenter. Ta en spasertur rundt Piazza Navona, et livlig torg, og lær mer om Bernini, som var en berømt barokkskulptør og som utformet de tre fontenene på torget. Denne halvdags spaserturen i det gamle Roma avsluttes deretter i sentrum av byen.
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  • Profesjonell guide
  • Garantert å hoppe over de lange linjene
  • Hodesett for å høre styret tydelig
  • Inngang/adgang - Colle Capitolino
  • Inngang/adgang - Piazza del Campidoglio
  • Garantert å unngå køene
Ikke inkludert
  • Tips
  • Hotel pickup og drop-off
  • Mat og Drikke
  • Bekreftelse mottas ved bestillingstidspunktet
  • Ingen rullestoltilgang
  • Bagasjeoppbevaring IKKE tilgjengelig
  • Barnevogner er tillatt.
  • Hvis du eller noen av partiet ditt har problemer med mobilitet (bruker krykker eller rullestol, et.c) er private turer tilgjengelig på forespørsel
  • Colosseum har strenge sikkerhetsrestriksjoner. På grunn av metalldetektorer ved inngangene til de fleste attraksjoner (og ingen bagasjekontroll) er det forbudt å ta med følgende:
  • Våpen og stumme gjenstander (kniver, lange paraplyer etc.)
  • Glassflasker, aerosolsprayer og alkohol.
  • Sykler, skøyter og segways.
  • Bagasje eller store poser.
  • Kjæledyr.
1 | 2019-07-18

You walk down to the Colosseo, and you're greeted by a myriad of organized tours holding up extended umbrellas and signs high up in the air. Not these guys, these guys had two 5'3'' girls lazily walking around with clipboards. How am I supposed to find that? To make matters worse, the reservation voucher said the meeting point was "Piazza dell' Arco di Constantino" which of course doesn't exist but we were still able to deduct that it was somewhere around the Arco di Constantino. Still couldn't find them. When i called the phone number the rep i spoke was rude but I managed to get something useful out of her and after speaking with the info staff on location I was able to find the meeting point. We walked around for 30 minutes looking for them and we had now gotten there about 5 minutes past the start time and the tour had already left. The girl with the clipboard OFFERED (and i emphasize offered) to help, but she made no effort to actually help, and about 15 minutes later she wandered off with another tour and did not return. She had no intention to actually do anything. There was about a 20 minute wait for the security line. She could have very easily had us meet with the tour while they were waiting there. The only person that actually made an effort was the gentleman i believe his name was Sergio, and he put us on the next tour leaving. Great we're getting in now! However it turns out that they miscounted the number of people and they did not get enough tickets, so we got bumped off of this tour as well. Finally, Sergio then put us on a different tour from a different company, which was great, except for the fact that it was just a tour of the Colosseo and nothing else. At the end of the day we paid to gain easy access to the Colosseo with arena access and to explore the Palatine Hill and Forum with a guide. What we got was an incredibly frustrating 2 hours of walking around the outside of the Colosseo, followed by a short tour of only the Colosseo with no arena access. Its worth noting that the guide for this tour was excellent. We ended up buying tickets to the Forum and Palatine separately and went on our own using Rick Steves Audio guide. My advice? Go to the Forum and buy combo tickets for both the Colosseo and Forum as there is hardly ever a line, bring headphones, download the Rick Steves Audio Europe app, and do your own walking tour. Don't just skip the line, skip this tour entirely.

5 | 2019-07-11

Jan was incredibly informative, spoke excellent english and really seemed to enjoy giving the tour - despite the 98* weather and smoldering sun! The only thing we regretted was not staying for hte whole tour, we had just arrived in Rome that morning and between the heat and being tired from travel we just didn't have the energy to stay until the end.

5 | 2018-09-10

Very educational tour. We had a relatively small group, our guide as very knowledgeable. Also very considerate of the group with appropriate breaks. I would strongly recommend the tour!

Kerry J
5 | 2018-07-12

Joseph was very knowledgeable, a lots of information packed in 3.5 hours. Don’t miss the best gelato at Trevi Fountain.

vanreen R
5 | 2018-05-19

I really enjoyed this tour it was worth it, our tour guide Maria was very informative and patient with us, she answered all our questions and made the tour a very joyful event. I did the early morning tour 09.15, I personally think doing these tours in the mornings are better because you miss the crowd, each time you move on you are a step ahead of the crowd.

Siddharth D
5 | 2018-03-31

Good tour. Highly recommended.

David M
5 | 2018-03-31

We signed up our family of 6 and my parents for this tour, and we all LOVED it! Our guide, Joseph Giuseppe was wonderful. He was not only knowledgeable and friendly, but he was very considerate of my parents who are both in their late 70's. We really saw more than expected on the tour. We also liked that we had time to take pictures at each site and do a little exploring. It wasn't just a drive-by tour.

Jennifer A
5 | 2018-03-30

Francesca was fun and professional. She knew her stuff and managed us well, finding the best lines, how to get to the under used bathrooms and where we should be cautious. Very entertaining. Thank you!!

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