Dagstur med "kuletog" (Shinkansen) fra Tokyo til Mount Fuji og Ashisjøen
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Etter at du blir hentet ved hotellet eller avtalt treffpunkt i Tokyo, blir du transportert i buss på en 2,5-timers naturskjønn tur til besøkssenteret ved Fuji-fjellet. Her får du høre om historien og geologien til Japans høyeste fjell fra guiden og fra informasjonsoppslagene som henger i besøkssenteret. I andre etasje finner ut et utkikkspunkt, der du har perfekt utsikt til Fuji-fjellet på en dag med klar sikt.
Etter besøkssenteret fortsetter turen til 5. stasjon ved Fuji-fjellet, som er omtrent halvveis opp til toppen (ca. 2300 moh.). I tillegg til utsikt over Fuji-fjellet og innsjøene i nærheten (avhengig av værforholdene) kan du oppleve helligdommene, torii-portene og butikkene som selger suvenirer. Opplev atmosfæren ved 5. stasjon, der du kanskje møter fjellklatrere som gjør seg klar til å bestige fjellet. Deretter har du tid til å nyte en japansk lunsj (hvis du velger + lunsj-alternativet i kassen). Du kan også kjøpe ditt eget måltid.
Etter en matbit fortsetter turen til Ashi-sjøen, som befinner seg i Hakone nasjonalpark. Gå om bord i båten for en kort tur på Ashi-sjøen. Her blir du blendet av det spektakulære landskapet med klare vann som omkranses av Komagatake-fjellet, Fuji-fjellet og andre fjell.
Gå i land og ta taubanen opp Komagatake-fjellet, som transporterer deg fra strandkanten ved Ashi-sjøen og til toppen av Komagatake-fjellet. Der oppe har du tid til å se deg omkring og nyte den fantastiske utsikten over Ashi-sjøen, den vulkanske Owakudani-dalen og det majestetiske Fuji-fjellet.
Etter besøket i Hakone nasjonalpark tar du bussen til togstasjonen og går om bord i Shinkansen til Tokyo. Guiden informerer om hvordan du kommer deg tilbake til hotellet.
Merk: Utsikten rundt Fuji-fjellet avhenger alltid av været, og det kan være uforutsigbart store deler av året. Utsikten er gjerne best i kalde vintermåneder, tidlig om morgenen eller sent om kvelden.
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Etter besøkssenteret fortsetter turen til 5. stasjon ved Fuji-fjellet, som er omtrent halvveis opp til toppen (ca. 2300 moh.). I tillegg til utsikt over Fuji-fjellet og innsjøene i nærheten (avhengig av værforholdene) kan du oppleve helligdommene, torii-portene og butikkene som selger suvenirer. Opplev atmosfæren ved 5. stasjon, der du kanskje møter fjellklatrere som gjør seg klar til å bestige fjellet. Deretter har du tid til å nyte en japansk lunsj (hvis du velger + lunsj-alternativet i kassen). Du kan også kjøpe ditt eget måltid.
Etter en matbit fortsetter turen til Ashi-sjøen, som befinner seg i Hakone nasjonalpark. Gå om bord i båten for en kort tur på Ashi-sjøen. Her blir du blendet av det spektakulære landskapet med klare vann som omkranses av Komagatake-fjellet, Fuji-fjellet og andre fjell.
Gå i land og ta taubanen opp Komagatake-fjellet, som transporterer deg fra strandkanten ved Ashi-sjøen og til toppen av Komagatake-fjellet. Der oppe har du tid til å se deg omkring og nyte den fantastiske utsikten over Ashi-sjøen, den vulkanske Owakudani-dalen og det majestetiske Fuji-fjellet.
Etter besøket i Hakone nasjonalpark tar du bussen til togstasjonen og går om bord i Shinkansen til Tokyo. Guiden informerer om hvordan du kommer deg tilbake til hotellet.
Merk: Utsikten rundt Fuji-fjellet avhenger alltid av været, og det kan være uforutsigbart store deler av året. Utsikten er gjerne best i kalde vintermåneder, tidlig om morgenen eller sent om kvelden.
- Busstur én vei
- Enveistur med høyhastighetstog (Shinkansen) til Tokyo stasjon
- Henting på utvalgte hoteller og steder i Tokyo (se Avreisested hvis du vil ha mer informasjon)
- Gratis Wi-Fi på bussen
- Lunsj (bare hvis du velger + lunsj-alternativet i kassen)
- Priser
- Profesjonell guide
- Cruise på Ashi-sjøen
- Tur med taubane opp Komagatake-fjellet
Ikke inkludert
- Driks (valgfritt)
- Bringing ved hotellet
- Drikke
- Du får bekreftelse i løpet av 48 timer etter at du har bestilt, avhengig av ledig kapasitet
- Henting: Velg ditt foretrukne hentested i kassen. Hvis du endrer hentested, kan det påløpe et avbestillingsgebyr
- Barnepriser gjelder så lenge barnet ikke opptar et sete. Måltider er ikke inkludert.
- Viktig: Denne turen gjennomføres uansett vær eller føreforhold, med mindre du har fått beskjed om noe annet fra den lokale operatøren. Viator og den lokale turoperatøren skal ikke holdes ansvarlig for dårlig sikt til Fuji-fjellet eller for endringer i reiseplanen på grunn av uforutsette omstendigheter
- Antrekk: Vi anbefaler at du tar med deg en ytterjakke eller andre varme klær, særlig på reiser om våren, høsten eller vinteren
- Tilgjengelig for personer som bruker rullestol – kontakt leverandøren når du bestiller. Rullestolen på avreisedagen må kunne legges sammen. Passasjeren må ha med seg sin egen assistent.
- Vegetarmeny er tilgjengelig. Du MÅ be om dette ved bestilling
- Når dere kommer tilbake til Tokyo, kan det hende guiden ikke tar den samme bussen eller det samme toget som deg. Hvis dette er tilfelle, får du informasjon på forhånd om hvordan du kommer deg tilbake til hotellet
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It was a great tour altho we didn't get to see Mt Fuji's peak due to cloud cover. The short cruise and cable car ride was enjoyable and the views from the top to the cable car ride is amazing.
The trip to Mt. Fuji and Hakone was a wonderful experience for me. It was educational and the sights were breathtaking. Our tour guide, Tanaka san was very patient, helpful and cheerful. It was truly awesome to have seen Mt. Fuji upclose.
Awesome trip to see the beautiful Mount Fuji. Scenic trip on lake Ashi. Too much fog prevented us from seeing the views from Mount Komatagake though. Helpful and nice tour guide in Michelle. It's a must do.
Excellent guide Unfortunately the weather was very cloudy and wasn’t able to see my Fuji Which was the purpose of the trip However all the older places were very interesting
Definitely a must when visiting Japan ! You get to see all the beauty that Tokyo has to offer besides just the city.
The day started hot and sunny. The tour guide was very enthusiastic and informative. All areas on the tour were breath taking. What a beautiful country full of tradition culture and respectful. A real must. Due to clouds not able to see mount fuji but we were there !
Ito-san was a brilliant guide: highly informative, helpful and very good at getting people casual with time back on the bus! This was a great day. Visibility was poor as we drove up the mountain but the gods smiled and we rose above the fog to see Mt Fuji and a valley full of clouds - quite lovely. You cover a lot of miles but Ito-san has a good mix of stories and facts to fill the time. And take the lunch option, it was really good. And the bullet train back saves 2 hours extra on the bus.
So worth it!!! If I could go ob this tour again, without a doubt I would choose Viator in a heartbeat. Thank you for making it so memorable for us❤️❤️❤️
Amazing long trip and a lot of stuff to buy for memories the 5th station amazing need another visit to do hiking, the lake made me planning to go back in future to stay there for some days, the last Ropeway unfortunately it was fully foggy nice but we cannot watch the fuji or the lake. Finally, we were lucky with our professional guidance Mr Yasushi he is a father, gentle, funny and multi national informative man
It was excellent and the Tour Guide was amazing aswell highly recommended , you will see and learn a lot.
What a great day, to visit the iconic Mt Fuji and lake Ashi, including lunch! I am vegetarian and I got a vegetarian dish in Japanese style it was awesome. The time at Mt Fuji was a little bit short but you have time to take pictures and see some gift shops, at Lake Ashi its just beautiful, water is so serene and the scenery just beautiful , driver and tour guide very nice. I recommend this tour
We really like the Viator, I bought viator excursion before and we like it, I will recommend viator to all my friends and relatives
This well organised trip would have been great if it hadn't been so cloudy. Mt Fuji was shrouded for most of the time and the cable car ride was a bit of a joke as you could see absolutely nothing from the top.Well organised though, decent lunch. Charming, helpful guide but she could have given the microphone a rest at times! Nice to get out of the city and see some countryside.
We spend too much time on the bus and little time on the ground. There is a bogus stop at a lacklustre amusement park that's a waste of an hour. The english guide wasn't really fluent in english. Be also warned that Fujisan is often covered with clouds and is not always visible.
Our tour day was very foggy due to rain. We could not see much...but our day turned out very pleasant because we had the best tour guide, Futami Hayase. She's very knowledgeable, and the most caring tour guide I've ever had. We have one of our sister who needs assistant with wheelchair. Futami helps her with every step of the tour from the beginning until we got on our train to go back to where we stayed. We just want to say "thank you so much" to Futami. She made our experiences in Japan very positive and that we would come back again.
The tour was well organised and Hiro-san was a great and funny guide. Weather was not good, though, but I guess you cannot blame the tour organiser for that.
Mt. Fuji is beautiful. We just got a cloudy day and could see much at Lake Ashi and on the cable car ride. Tour Guide was nice and very enthusiastic but talked too much and had a thick accent and was hard to understand at times
Our guide Soneo was fantastic she did her best to make sure we all enjoyed our tour. It was 2 hours to 5th station Mt Fuji we only had 1/2 an hour there I think it was just under an our to the lunch stop, lunch was very nice traditional lunch set We then drove for another hour to the lake ashi cruise where we had 1/2 an hour in a gift shop. The cruise was very short and underwhelming no time to look around Hakone. Rushed up the ropeway and had 10 mins at the top before the last cable car left. Drove for almost another hour to the bullet train. I think the idea of this tour is great but it’s too much packed into one day
We were very lucky that the weather was great when we took our viator trip. Mount Fuji was visible all day long. The bus was very comfortable and the free wifi was helpful. We took lots of pictures at the 5th Station in Mt. Fuji and had a sumptuous lunch at lake kawaguchi. We also enjoyed the sights on the ropeway to Mt Komagatake. Everything was awesome!
Tour Guide was Excellent, Helpful, very good singer, on time and will like to visit again with this tour guide during winters. Thank you and God bless her. Visited on 1st June.
For the amount of stuff you do and in my opinion it is undervalued. On the other hand you may not spend long in all of the places as there all quite a distance from each other so the you do spend fair bit of time on the coach but that is pretty much a tour on its own as it is nothing like tokyo you see the greener side of Tokyo. We had TK as our guild he was spot on could not fault him. And the bullet train was just the icing on the cake.
The guide was excellent . Lot of information and not monotonous at all. The trip was well planned and very convenient .
Fuji was beautiful but getting point to point took way too long. Our guide was fairly condescending and we ate at Fuji Q which had worse than mediocre food. Lake Ashi cruise was lovely but the cable care was packed.
This was a great tour that took us to Mt. Fuji and Lake Ashi with a ride on the Hakone ropeway. We had an opportuinty to return to Tokyo via the Shinkansen or bullet train which was phenomenal! Our guide, Yuki, was charming and told us all about Mt. Fuji and the Hakone area. We really loved this tour!
Our tour guide Tomoko was very knowledgeable, fun, and friendly. She explained things in a very clear and detailed manner reminding me of how English and History school teachers give lessons and tell stories. Our bus was very clean and comfortable driven smoothly and safely by Dryba-san. Our view of Mt. Fuji was excellent considering just the day before it was cloudy and raining all day in Tokyo so we were not expecting a clear view. Our bus was able to make it to the 5th station of Mt. Fuji which is the highest that vehicles can go. We left Mt. Fuji to go to our lunch in a fancy hotel near an amusement park and we were served a typical Japanese meal with udon, vegetables, rice, and chicken - all very delicious. The view of Mt. Fuji from the hotel while we lunched was also great. We headed towards a ropeway aka sky-cable car to see Mt. Fuji from another mountain and the view was spectacular. There was also a view of a beautiful lake. The next stop was to Lake Ashi in Hakone where we took a quick scenic ferry ride to a tourist stop with plenty of shops. We then took the bus again to be dropped off at the Odowara bullet train station where our guide Tomoko made sure we knew where to get on and where to get off for our trip back to Shinjuku, Tokyo. Over-all the day was well spent and my wife and I saw how majestic Mt. Fuji aka Fujiyama is to look at with clear weather conditions.
Because of nice weather and timing, got a nice view of Mt.Fuji and a very beautiful sunset view of Mt.Fuji from Hakone shrine.
Good pickup, great guided tour of Mount Fuji, and a fabulous and exciting Bullet train ride back to Tokyo.
We planned a beautiful trip but unfortunately the forecast was for rain for 3 days straight... and our day was in the middle. Instead of cancelling the trip, the tour operator kept it on, to the dismay of all the sightseers. We could not see anything, not even the base of Mt. Fuji. We could not drive up due to avalanche warning (that was there for many days), Boat ride was maybe a total of 10 minutes and there was no visibility beyond the small lagoon we were in - could not go outside due to rain... . could not see beyond the raindrop windows. We went up the rope (gondola), and half way up, were in fog and so there was absolutely ZERO visibility... plus is was raining the whole time. All in all, it was a tremendous bust and unless you are staying in Tokyo and like bad weather tours, I would avoid it. Since you have to book in advance, and they do not cancel trips when they should, you risk wasting a boat load of money. We were a family of 5 and close to $800 down the drain. Viator provided no relief, blaming the operator for not cancelling. We got nothing out of the tour, ZERO!
Due to unexpected snow our planned tour had to be amended. Our guide was helpful and did his best under the circumstances. Although we couldn’t do the tour that was booked we still had a lovely day....probably not worth what we paid though.
The trip was nice, the guide was very patient and professional. The bus was comfortable with WiFi, but it didn’t have a bathroom inside, which would be good for a long road trip. Lunch was complete but not very tasty. The visit to the lake Ashi was short but nice. The visit to the Owakudani by ropeway was very crowded and had to be quick for our return to Tokyo.
Excellent day out. Great informative guide, stunning scenery. Good lunch. We were fortunate enough to have a perfect day of clear blue skies to experience the majestic Mt Fuji.
Only able to go to parking area 1 roads normaly frozen to go any further extremely foggy tour guide still took us to the cable cars even thought we could see nothing due to fog
Had all the luck as visibility for Mt. Fuji was absolutely perfect. Our tour guide was fantastic too, very friendly and informative. Bus was comfortable. We were provided adequate breaks for refreshments and toilet.
We can't say much because of the weather, snowing in the mountains and the lake. We didn't actually see the mt fuji.
We booked this tour hoping to see Mount Fuji. We knew we may not especially in spring as the weather changes so much. Luckily we got to see 2/3 of the mountain and as a bonus had it snow when we were at the 4th station. Our guide (Fumi-san) was excellent and made the time on the bus informative and interesting. Would recommend. Title of the review is your chances of seeing Mount Fuji.
Our Guide , Sonoe was just fantastic. She made our day so relaxed. We had snow falling on station 4 and whilst on the chair lift. Catamaran cruise was fun also. A very long day, full of fun and adventure! Thank you!
Our tour guide Fuji was super nice but kept over apologizing a lot for mistakes made on the tour and wish he could focus on making the trip better. Ticket handout towards the end of the tour was a mess. Many of us in the group couldn’t get through the gate at the train station and were held up because the tour guide gave out too many and the wrong tickets. Because we got held up, it was stressful for many of us who had families waiting on the other side and would have to get back home late if we did not get over the gate with our tickets on time.
Really great trip with an excellent tour guide- Masa made it such fun and he was full of information about Japan in general.
Great views of Fuji from different sites. We were fortunate that the visibility was perfect, but I can imagine this would be an issue on certain days.
It was our first time to this part of the world and we have left for home thinking we want to come again. The journey to Mt. Fuji, Lake Ashi and Bullet Train all went on without the slightest hitch. I guess with years of experience the organizer took care of every detail so that passengers would feel comfortable and thankful for a very smooth journey and not bored or short changed. Everything went on like clock work with no delays. Our day to Mt. Fuji was made more memorable with the almost perfect weather. From afar we could already see Mt. Fuji and although we only managed to get to the first station it was still good enough. After this came the lake ride by boat. The scenery was just great and beautiful. By evening we arrived at the train station in Odomaro, given the tickets and off we went heading for Tokyo on the bullet train. Would we do it again? Of course!!
I just don't even know where to begin with how horrid this tour was. For highlights, very hard to find, no information about tour changes till you're trapped in the bus, group singing and crafts on the bus, guide spoke worst English I heard on my whole trip to Japan, WiFi on bus was very slow. Boat ride lasted 15 mins. To be fair, I think our guide was special needs and it's great that she can work as tour guide for 10+ years.
Hi All I wish to inform you all that this is one of the guided tour that i experienced it was the "BEST" Right from its start from the pick up point till we boarded the bullet train, tour was well spread and worth the price they charged.